1. European Medicines Agency.Valdoxan: scientific conclusions and grounds recommending the variation to the terms of the marketing authorization; 2014. Accessed January 3 2021.http://www.ema.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/EPAR_-Scientific_Conclusion/human/000915/WC500179069.pdf
2. Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices: agomelatine: Dear Health Care Provider (DHCP) letter: agomelatine and risk of hepatotoxicity. Accessed January 3 2021.https://sinaem.agemed.es/CartasFarmacovigilanciaDoc/2012/agomelatina_09-10-12.pdf
3. Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices: agomelatine: Dear Health Care Provider (DHCP) letter: new contraindication of use and reminder about the importance of adequate control of liver function. Accessed January 3 2021.https://sinaem.agemed.es/CartasFarmacovigilanciaDoc/2013/REV_AEMPS_Valdoxan_10-10-13.pdf
4. Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices. Agomelatine: Information on risk prevention (safety educational material). Accessed January 3 2021.https://cima.aemps.es/cima/materiales.do
5. Agomelatine Drug Utilisation Study in Selected European Countries: A Multinational, Observational Study to Assess Effectiveness of Risk-Minimisation Measures