1. Three thousand futures: the next twenty years for higher education. New York: Carnegie Council on Policy Studies in Higher Education 1980.
2. See, for example, The emergence and sustainability of abnormal profits. Harvard Business School working paper, 97-103, 1997; Bower JL, Christensen CM Disruptive technologies: catching the wave. Harvard Business Review 1995; Jan-Feb. 43-53
3. Readers intersted in how disruptive technologies emerged to dethrone the leading institutions in a variety of industries can find more detailed accounts in christensen CM. The innovator's dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1977.
4. Patterns in the evolution of product competition
5. Accurate data on the size of the diffused executive education industry are hared to come by. The estimate was synthesized form a number of sources, including Fulmer RM, Vicere AA. Executive education and leadership development: the state of the practice. University park, PA: the penn State Institute for the Study of Organization Effectiveness, 1995;