RETRACTED: Aerial imagery reveals abnormal stingrays, Taeniura lymma (Myliobatiformes: Dasyatidae), in the central Red Sea


Ciocănaru Ioana Andreea12,Nieuwenhuis Brian Owain12ORCID,Ostrovski Raquel Lubambo12,Cochran Jesse2,Jones Burton H.12


1. Marine Science Program, Biological, Environmental Sciences and Engineering Division King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Thuwal Saudi Arabia

2. Red Sea Research Center King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) Thuwal Saudi Arabia


AbstractWhile morphological abnormalities have been widely reported in batomorphs, ontogenetic deformities of the posterior pectoral fin are rare. In this paper, we present two individuals of the bluespotted ribbontail ray, Taeniura lymma (Forsskål, 1775), with symmetrically deformed posterior pectoral fins. Both individuals were observed through aerial imagery on a coastal sandflat in the central Red Sea (22.30° N, 39.09° E). The similarity of this symmetrical deformity in both individuals indicates it likely has a genetic base. However, lacking access to the specimens, the ultimate cause of the abnormality remains uncertain. The incomplete disk closure did not seem to affect survival, as both individuals had reached a disk width of 22 cm, well above the typical birth size of the species. Our observations constitute both the first report of a morphological abnormality in T. lymma and the first record of a batomorph with a symmetrically deformed posterior pectoral fin.


Red Sea Research Center, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology



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