1. Display Quality Assurance
2. Kontrol Af Monitorer Til Røntgen‐Diagnostik.Krav Vejledninger Og Generelle Anbefalinger for Monitorer Til Brug for Diagnostik. Sundhedsstyrelsen;2018. Accessed April 15 2021.https://www.sst.dk/da/udgivelser/2018/kontrol‐af‐monitorer‐til‐roentgendiagnostik
3. PerryN BroedersM deWolfC TörnbergS HollandR vonKarsaL eds.European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis.4th ed.Office for Official Publications of the European Communities;2006. Accessed April 15 2021.https://op.europa.eu/sv/publication‐detail/‐/publication/7945bf8d‐fa10‐4e88‐a781‐9a7c36cf3411
4. PerryN BroedersM deWolfC TörnbergS HollandR vonKarsaL eds.European Guidelines for Quality Assurance in Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis—Supplements.4th ed.Office for Official Publications of the European Union;2013.https://doi.org/10.2772/13196