1. Department of Neurology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Pennsylvania USA
2. Banner Sun Health Research Institute Sun City Arizona USA
3. Department of Neurology Mayo Clinic College of Medicine Scottsdale Arizona USA
4. Biomedical Sciences Iowa State University Ames Iowa USA
5. Center for Brain Science and Neurodegenerative Diseases, Department of Physiology and Pharmacology University of Georgia Athens Georgia USA
6. Biostatistics Analysis Center University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia Pennsylvania USA
7. Department of Neurology University of Texas, McGovern Medical School Houston Texas USA
8. Department of Biostatistics University of Iowa College of Public Health Iowa City Iowa USA
9. The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson's Research New York New York USA
10. Center of Parkinsonism and Movement Disorders, Department of Neurology Paracelsus‐Elena Klinik Kassel and University Medical Center Göttingen Göttingen Germany