1. European Medicines Agency. 2007. Press Release (20th September 2007) CHMP Assessment Report for Viracept, London. EMEA/H/C/164/Z/109. European Medicines Agency Agrees on Action Plan Following the Recall of Viracept and Recommends Suspension of the Marketing Authorisation, London. EMEA/275367/2007.
2. Mesylate Ester Type Impurities Contained in Medicinal Products, Swissmedic Department for Control of the Medicinal Products Market, 23rd October 2007.
3. Guideline on the Limits of Genotoxic Impurities, Committee for Medicinal Products (CHMP), European Medicines Agency, London, 28 June 2006 (CPMP/SWP/5199/02, EMEA/CHMP/QWP/251344/2006).
4. Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition-Human committee (CMDh), Request to Assess the Risk of Occurrence of Contamination with Mesilate Esters and Other Related Compounds in Pharmaceutical, EMEA/CMDh/98694/2008, London, 27th February 2008.
5. CHMP Assessment Report for Viracept, EMEA/CHMP/492059/2007, 20th September 2007.