1. A. D. McNaught A. Wilkinson S. J. Chalk IUPAC Compendium of Chemical Terminology IUPAC Research Triangle Park NC 2019.
3. Lehrbuch der Anorganischen Chemie
4. All minerals of the tourmaline supergroup bear six-membered cyclosilcates and a trigonal crystal symmetry. The general formula is XY3Z6(T6O18)(BO3)3V3W where X=Na+ Ca2+ K+ Pb2+and vacancy; Y=Fe2+ Mg2+ Mn2+ Al3+ Li+ Fe3+ and Cr3+; Z=Al3+ Fe3+ Mg2+ and Cr3+; T=Si4+ Al3+ and B3+; B=B3+; V=OH−and O2−; and W=OH− F− and O2−. In these minerals the ring-silicate coordinates six-fold towards Na+ K+ Ca2+or also Pb2+with its ring oxygen atoms similar as demonstrated also for cyclic siloxanes in this review. A comprehensive overview is provided in the mineralogical databasemindat(see: https://www.mindat.org/min-4003.html) and in: D. J. Henry M. Novák F. C. Hawthorne A. Ertl B. L. Dutrow P. Uher F. Pezzotta Am. Mineral.2011 96 895–913.