1. 1973 Radar observations of the atmosphere, University of Chicago Press, Chicago/London.
2. Optimizing Rainfall Estimates with the Aid of Radar
3. and 1975 An on-line flow forecasting system, incorporating radar measurements of rainfall, as used to assist the short term regulation of the River Dee in North Wales, Proc. Bratislava Sym. on Appl. of Math Models in Hydrology and Water Res. Systems, IAHS–AISH, Publ. No. 115, 1975, 57–66.
4. 1977 Radar measurements of precipitation, Proceedings of WMO Technical Conference on Instruments and Methods of Observation, Hamburg, 27–30 July.
5. and 1975 A comparison of areal rainfall as measured by a raingauge-calibrated radar system and raingauge networks of various densities, Preprint Vol. 16th Radar Met. Conf., Houston, Texas, 467–472.