1. Hydrology and Geo‐Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Life and Earth SciencesVU University Amsterdam Amsterdam Netherlands
2. Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem ScienceLund University Lund Sweden
3. Meteorology and Air Quality GroupWageningen University Wageningen Netherlands
4. Environmental Sciences Group, Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Faculty of GeosciencesUtrecht University Utrecht Netherlands
5. Division of Ecosystem‐Atmosphere Interactions, Karlsruhe Institute of TechnologyInstitute of Meteorology and Climate Research/Atmospheric Environmental Research Garmisch‐Partenkirchen Germany
6. Louis Bolk Institute Driebergen Netherlands
7. Department of BiologyVirginia Commonwealth University Richmond VA Canada
8. Centre for Forest Studies, Faculty of Forestry, Geography, and GeomaticsLaval University Quebec Canada
9. European Commission, Joint Research CentreInstitute for Environment and Sustainability Ispra Italy
10. Faculty of Science and TechnologyFree University of Bolzano Bolzano Italy
11. School of Geography and Earth Sciences and McMaster Centre for Climate ChangeMcMaster University Hamilton ON Canada