1. Nanoparticle Systems Engineering Laboratory, Institute of Energy and Process Engineering (IEPE), Department of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D‐MAVT) ETH Zurich Sonneggstrasse 3 Zurich 8092 Switzerland
2. Particles‐Biology Interactions, Department of Materials Meet Life Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) Lerchenfeldstrasse 5 St. Gallen 9014 Switzerland
3. The Ingenuity Lab, University Hospital Balgrist University of Zurich Forchstrasse 340 Zurich 8008 Switzerland
4. Institute of Technical Chemistry and Environmental Chemistry Friedrich Schiller University Jena Philosophenweg 7a 07743 Jena Germany
5. Department of Plastic and Hand Surgery, Inselspital Bern University Hospital Bern 3010 Switzerland
6. COMPATH, Institute of Animal Pathology University of Bern Bern 3012 Switzerland