Molecular Architecture Effects on Bulk Nanostructure in Bis(Orthoborate) Ionic Liquids


Hammond Oliver S.12,Bousrez Guillaume12,Mehler Filip3,Li Sichao3,Shimpi Manishkumar R.14,Doutch James5,Cavalcanti Leide5,Glavatskih Sergei678,Antzutkin Oleg N.4,Rutland Mark W.37910,Mudring Anja‐Verena12ORCID


1. Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry Stockholm University Stockholm SE‐114 18 Sweden

2. Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering and iNANO Aarhus University Aarhus C 8000 Denmark

3. Division of Surface and Corrosion Science School of Engineering Sciences in Chemistry, Biotechnology and Health KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm SE-100 40 Sweden

4. Chemistry of Interfaces Luleå University of Technology Luleå SE‐971 87 Sweden

5. ISIS Neutron & Muon Source, Science and Technology Facilities Council Rutherford Appleton Laboratory Harwell‐Oxford OX11 0QX UK

6. Department of Engineering Design KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm SE‐10044 Sweden

7. School of Chemistry University of New South Wales Sydney 2052 Australia

8. Department of Electromechanical, Systems and Metal Engineering Ghent University Ghent B‐9052 Belgium

9. Bioeconomy and Health Department Materials and Surface Design RISE Research Institutes of Sweden Stockholm SE-114 86 Sweden

10. Laboratoire de Tribologie et Dynamique des Systèmes École Centrale de Lyon Lyon 69130 France


AbstractA series of 19 ionic liquids (ILs) based on phosphonium and imidazolium cations of varying alkyl‐chain lengths with the orthoborate anions bis(oxalato)borate [BOB], bis(mandelato)borate, [BMB] and bis(salicylato)borate, [BScB], are synthesized and studied using small‐angle neutron scattering (SANS). All measured systems display nanostructuring, with 1‐methyl‐3‐n‐alkyl imidazolium‐orthoborates forming clearly bicontinuous L3 spongelike phases when the alkyl chains are longer than C6 (hexyl). L3 phases are fitted using the Teubner and Strey model, and diffusely‐nanostructured systems are primarily fitted using the Ornstein‐Zernicke correlation length model. Strongly‐nanostructured systems have a strong dependence on the cation, with molecular architecture variation explored to determine the driving forces for self‐assembly. The ability to form well‐defined complex phases is effectively extinguished in several ways: methylation of the most acidic imidazolium ring proton, replacing the imidazolium 3‐methyl group with a longer hydrocarbon chain, substitution of [BOB] by [BMB], or exchanging the imidazolium for phosphonium systems, irrespective of phosphonium architecture. The results suggest there is only a small window of opportunity, in terms of molecular amphiphilicity and cation:anion volume matching, for the formation of stable extensive bicontinuous domains in pure bulk orthoborate‐based ILs. Particularly important for self‐assembly processes appear to be the ability to form H‐bonding networks, which offer additional versatility in imidazolium systems.


Knut och Alice Wallenbergs Stiftelse


Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

Villum Fonden




Biomaterials,Biotechnology,General Materials Science,General Chemistry

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