Dielectric Environment Sensitivity of Carbon Centers in Hexagonal Boron Nitride


Badrtdinov Danis I.1ORCID,Rodriguez‐Fernandez Carlos2ORCID,Grzeszczyk Magdalena3ORCID,Qiu Zhizhan4ORCID,Vaklinova Kristina3ORCID,Huang Pengru356ORCID,Hampel Alexander7ORCID,Watanabe Kenji8,Taniguchi Takashi9,Jiong Lu410ORCID,Potemski Marek111213ORCID,Dreyer Cyrus E.714ORCID,Koperski Maciej35ORCID,Rösner Malte1ORCID


1. Institute for Molecules and Materials Radboud University Heijendaalseweg 135 6525 AJ Nijmegen Netherlands

2. Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences Tampere University Tampere 33720 Finland

3. Institute for Functional Intelligent Materials National University of Singapore Singapore 117544

4. Department of Chemistry National University of Singapore 117543 Singapore

5. Department of Materials Science and Engineering National University of Singapore Singapore 117575 Singapore

6. Guangxi Key Laboratory of Information Materials Guilin University of Electronic Technology Guilin 541004 China

7. Center for Computational Quantum Physics Flatiron Institute 162 5 th Avenue New York NY 10010 USA

8. Research Center for Functional Materials National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba 305‐0044 Japan

9. International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics National Institute for Materials Science Tsukuba 305‐0044 Japan

10. Centre for Advanced 2D Materials National University of Singapore Singapore 117546 Singapore

11. Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques Intenses CNRS‐UGA‐UPS‐INSA‐EMFL 25 Av. des Martyrs 38042 Grenoble France

12. CENTERA Labs Institute of High Pressure Physics PAS PL‐01‐142 Warsaw Poland

13. Faculty of Physics University of Warsaw ul. Pasteura 5 02‐093 Warszawa Poland

14. Department of Physics and Astronomy Stony Brook University Stony Brook New York 11794‐3800 USA


AbstractA key advantage of utilizing van‐der‐Waals (vdW) materials as defect‐hosting platforms for quantum applications is the controllable proximity of the defect to the surface or the substrate allowing for improved light extraction, enhanced coupling with photonic elements, or more sensitive metrology. However, this aspect results in a significant challenge for defect identification and characterization, as the defect's properties depend on the the atomic environment. This study explores how the environment can influence the properties of carbon impurity centers in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN). It compares the optical and electronic properties of such defects between bulk‐like and few‐layer films, showing alteration of the zero‐phonon line energies and their phonon sidebands, and enhancements of inhomogeneous broadenings. To disentangle the mechanisms responsible for these changes, including the atomic structure, electronic wavefunctions, and dielectric screening, it combines ab initio calculations with a quantum‐embedding approach. By studying various carbon‐based defects embedded in monolayer and bulk hBN, it demonstrates that the dominant effect of the change in the environment is the screening of density–density Coulomb interactions between the defect orbitals. The comparative analysis of experimental and theoretical findings paves the way for improved identification of defects in low‐dimensional materials and the development of atomic scale sensors for dielectric environments.


H2020 European Research Council

National Science Foundation




Biomaterials,Biotechnology,General Materials Science,General Chemistry

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