1. Laboratory of Supramolecular and Bio‐Nanomaterials (SupraBioNanoLab)Department of Chemistry, Materials, and Chemical Engineering “Giulio Natta” Politecnico di Milano Via Luigi Mancinelli 7 Milan 20131 Italy
2. Hyber Center of Excellence Department of Applied Physics Aalto University Puumiehenkuja2 Espoo FI‐00076 Finland
3. Biomolecular Engineering Lab Department of Electronics Information, and Bioengineering Politecnico di Milano Milan 20131 Italy
4. Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Chimiche – National Research Council of Italy (SCITEC‐CNR) Milan 20131 Italy
5. Xenocs SAS 1–3 Allée du Nanomètre Grenoble 38000 France
6. Department of Aerospace Science and Technology Politecnico di Milano via La Masa 34 Milano 20156 Italy
7. Department of Bioproducts and Biosystems School of Chemical Engineering Aalto University P.O. Box 16100 Aalto FI‐00076 Finland