Easy Processable Photomechanical Thin Film Involving a Photochromic Diarylethene and a Thermoplastic Elastomer in Supramolecular Interaction


Arroyo Ismael1ORCID,Cedeño Rebeca2,Nour Eddine Nour34,Alcaraz Gilles3,Pensec Sandrine4,Bouteiller Laurent4,Naït‐Abdelaziz Moussa2,Barrau Sophie5ORCID,Tahon Jean‐François5ORCID,Fournier David5ORCID,Fadel Alexandre6,Takeshita Michinori7,Buntinx Guy1,Aloïse Stéphane1


1. Université de Lille CNRS UMR 8516 ‐ LASIRE ‐ Laboratoire de Spectroscopie pour les Interactions la Réactivité et l'Environnement Lille 59000 France

2. Université de Lille Unité de Mécanique de Lille‐Joseph Boussinesq ULR 7512 Lille 59000 France

3. Univ Rennes CNRS ISCR (Institut des Sciences Chimiques de Rennes) ‐ UMR 6226 Rennes F‐35000 France

4. Sorbonne Université CNRS Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire Equipe Chimie des Polymères 4 Place Jussieu Paris 75005 France

5. Université de Lille CNRS INRAE Centrale Lille UMR 8207 ‐ UMET ‐ Unité Matériaux et Transformations Lille F‐59000 France

6. Université de Lille CNRS INRAE Centrale Lille Univ. Artois FR 2638 – IMEC ‐ Institut Michel‐Eugène Chevreul Lille F‐59000 France

7. Department of Advanced Technology and Fusion Graduate School of Science and Engineering University of Saga Saga 840‐8502 Japan


AbstractA novel supramolecular photoactuator in the form of a thin film of centimetric size has been developed as an alternative to traditional liquid crystal elastomers (LCE) involving azobenzene (AZO) units or photochromic microcrystals. This thin film is produced through spin coating without the need for alignment or crosslinking. The photoactuator combines a photochromic dithienylethene (DTE) functionalized with ureidopyrimidinone (UPy) units, and a telechelic thermoplastic elastomer, also functionalized with UPy, allowing quadruple hydrogen bonding between the two components. Upon alternating ultraviolet (UV) and visible light exposure, the film exhibits reversible bending and color changes, studied using displacement and absorption tracking setups. For the first time, the photomechanical effect (PME) is quantitatively correlated with photochromism, showing that DTE units drive the movement under both UV (photocyclization) and visible (photoreversion) light. In situ illumination techniques reveal that the PME arises from photoinduced strain within 160 nm UPy‐bonded DTE domains, which expand and contract by approximately 50% under UV and visible light, respectively. The semicrystalline nature of the elastomer and a robust supramolecular network connecting both components are critical in converting microscopic photostrain into macroscopic actuation.










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