1. Jensen, E. J., Ellis, H. S., Kruyer, Jan and Roehl, A. A. TDA-RCA Capsule Pipeline Project; Phase 1 Report, Part 1 (1978).
2. Jensen, E. J., Ellis, H. S., Kruyer, Jan and Roehl, A. A. Phase 2 Report (1974).
3. Jensen, E. J., Ellis, H. S., Kruyer, Jan., Roehl, A. A. and White, L. M., TDA-RCA Capsule Pipeline Project; Phase 3 Report (1974).
4. Predicting the required liquid throughput from the capsule velocity and capsule pressure gradient in capsule pipelines
5. The pipeline flow of capsules part 5 - an experimental investigation of the transport by water of single spherical capsules with density greater than that of the water