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2. Hurley, P. J., “Energy Balances for Alternate Kraft Recovery Systems”, Chem. Eng. Progr., February 1980, pp. 43-53.
3. Institute of Paper Chemistry, “Proceedings of the Forum on Kraft Recovery Alternatives”, Appleton, Wisconsin, 29-30 April 1976.
4. Kelleher, E. G., “Feasibility of Black Liquor Gasification in Combined Cycle Cogeneration”, Final Report Phase 1, DOE/CS/40341-T4 (DE 84002936), 30 June 1983.
5. Kelleher, E. G., “Gasification of Black Liquor and Use of the Products in Combined Cycle Cogeneration”, presented at The AICHE National Meeting, Seattle, Washington, 25-28 August 1985a.