1. “Enterprise risk management in healthcare promotes a comprehensive framework for making risk management decisions which maximize value protection and creation by managing risk and uncertainty and their connections to total value.” Developed by ASHRM's ERM Task Force (now an advisory committee) and adopted by the board of directors 2012
2. Enterprise Risk Management: A Framework for Success Carroll R An Enterprise Risk Management Playbook: An Implementation Guide for Healthcare Professionals Chicago, IL ASHRM www.ashrm.org
3. Guiding principles developed by the Enterprise Risk Management Advisory Committee 2014
4. ASHRM Strategic Plan 2013-2015
5. Unknown, the existence of more than one possible outcome. Not measurable, risk involves the possibility of future events-the probabilities of which can be calculated. If there is incomplete information and the expected value of occurrences cannot be determined, those elements are uncertainties. See, O'Toole S. Project management: Uncertainty vs. risk http://www.ehow.com/facts_5698666_project-management_-uncertainty-vs_-risk.html 2015