1. Peter Grünberg Institute Forschungszentrum Jülich Wilhelm Johnen Straße 52428 Jülich Germany
2. Insititut für Werkstoffe der Elektrotechnik 2 RWTH Aachen Sommerfeldstraße 18/24 52074 Aachen Germany
Resistive switching devices are candidates to be used as weight for the future hardware realization of neuronal networks. Herein, these resistive switches base on oxygen vacancy migration and can be toggled between different resistance states. Internal processes lead to a variability over time in these states. To understand this, a dynamical model is developed, which links the internal physical mechanism to the current response. Thereby, the electronic current is calculated by tunneling processes over oxygen vacancies. The model allows to understand the physical transport properties and the current–voltage dependence. Integrating ionic hopping processes clarifies the variability in the electronic conduction. The derived model does not require empirical input parameters and only depends on the properties of the materials. This allows to use literature values and independently compare them to electrical measurements. The model predicts the experiments correctly. Thereupon, the physical properties of the conduction are investigated with respect to the transport over discrete energy levels, which change under the hopping of oxygen vacancies. Afterwards, the current level and variability are simulated for increasing oxygen vacancy concentrations to investigate analog switching, which is required for neuronal network layers. Finally, the variability is tested with multiple interacting cells in a neuronal layer.
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