Multicentre study of neoadjuvant chemotherapy for stage I and II oesophageal cancer


Bekkar S1,Gronnier C123,Renaud F4,Duhamel A56,Pasquer A7,Théreaux J8,Gagnière J9,Meunier B10,Collet D11,Mariette C1236,Dhahri A12,Lignier D12,Cossé C12,Regimbeau J-M12,Luc G13,Cabau M14,Jougon J14,Badic B15,Lozach P15,Bail J P15,Cappeliez S16,El Nakadi I16,Lebreton G17,Alves A17,Flamein R18,Pezet D18,Pipitone F19,Stan-Iuga B19,Contival N19,Pappalardo E19,Coueffe X19,Msika S19,Mantziari S20,Demartines N20,Hec F21,Vanderbeken M21,Tessier W21,Briez N21,Fredon F22,Gainant A22,Mathonnet M22,Bigourdan J M23,Mezoughi S23,Ducerf C23,Baulieux J23,Mabrut J-Y23,Bigourdan J M23,Baraket O7,Poncet G7,Adam M7,Vaudoyer D24,Jourdan Enfer P24,Villeneuve L24,Glehen O24,Coste T25,Fabre J-M25,Marchal F26,Frisoni R27,Ayav A27,Brunaud L27,Bresler L27,Cohen C28,Aze O28,Venissac N28,Pop D28,Mouroux J28,Donici I29,Prudhomme M29,Felli E30,Lisunfui S30,Seman M30,Godiris Petit G30,Karoui M30,Tresallet C30,Ménégaux F30,Vaillant J-C30,Hannoun L30,Malgras B31,Lantuas D31,Pautrat K31,Pocard M31,Valleur P31,Lefevre J H32,Chafai N32,Balladur P32,Lefrançois M32,Parc Y32,Paye F32,Tiret E32,Nedelcu M33,Laface L33,Perniceni T33,Gayet B33,Turner K34,Filipello A35,Porcheron J35,Tiffet O35,Kamlet N36,Chemaly R36,Klipfel A36,Pessaux P36,Brigand C36,Rohr S36,Carrère N37,Da Re C38,Dumont F38,Goéré D38,Elias D38,Bertrand C39


1. Department of Digestive and Oncological Surgery, Claude Huriez University Hospital, Lille, France

2. North of France University, Lille, France

3. Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale, Unité Mixte de Recherche S1172, Team 5 ‘Mucins, epithelial differentiation and carcinogenesis’, Jean-Pierre Aubert Research Centre, Lille, France

4. Department of Pathology, Lille University Hospital, Lille, France

5. Department of Biostatistics, Lille University Hospital, Lille, France

6. Site de Recherche Intégré en Cancérologie OncoLille, Lille, France

7. Department of Digestive Surgery, Edouard Herriot University Hospital, Lyon, France

8. Cavale Blanche University Hospital, Brest, France

9. Estaing University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France

10. Pontchaillou University Hospital, Rennes, France

11. Haut-Levêque University Hospital, Bordeaux, France

12. Department of Digestive Surgery, Amiens Unievrsity Hospital, Amiens, France

13. Department of Digestive Surgery, Pessac University Hospital, Bordeaux, France

14. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Pessac University Hospital, Bordeaux, France

15. Department of Digestive Surgery, Cavale Blanche University Hospital, Brest, France

16. Department of Digestive Surgery, Brussel ULB Erasme Bordet University, Brussels, Belgium

17. Department of Digestive Surgery, Caen University Hospital, Caen, France

18. Department of Digestive Surgery, Estaing University Hospital, Clermont-Ferrand, France

19. Department of Digestive Surgery, Louis Mourier University Hospital, Colombes, France

20. Department of Digestive Surgery, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland

21. Department of Digestive Surgery, Caude Huriez University Hospital, Lille, France

22. Department of Digestive Surgery, Limoges University Hospital, Limoges, France

23. Department of Digestive Surgery, Croix Rousse University Hospital, Lyon, France

24. Department of Digestive Surgery, Lyon Sud University Hospital, Lyon, France

25. Department of Digestive Surgery, Montpellier, France

26. Department of Digestive Surgery, Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine, Nancy, France

27. Department of Digestive Surgery, Nancy University Hospital, Nancy, France

28. Department of Thoracic Surgery, Nice University Hospital, Nice, France

29. Department of Digestive Surgery, Nîmes University Hospital, Nîmes, France

30. Department of Digestive Surgery, Pitié-Salpétrière University Hospital, Paris, France

31. Department of Digestive Surgery, Lariboisière University Hospital, Paris, France

32. Department of Digestive Surgery, Saint-Antoine University Hospital, Paris, France

33. Department of Digestive Surgery, Institut Mutualiste Montsouris, Paris, France

34. Department of Digestive Surgery, Rennes, France

35. Department of Digestive Surgery, Saint-Etienne University Hospital, Saint-Etienne, France

36. Department of Digestive Surgery, Strasbourg University Hospital, Strasbourg, France

37. Department of Digestive Surgery, Toulouse University Hospital, Toulouse, France

38. Department of Digestive Surgery, Institut Gustave-Roussy, Villejuif, France

39. Mont-Godinne University Hospital, Yvoir, Belgium


Abstract Background The benefit of neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NCT) for early-stage oesophageal cancer is unknown. The aim of this study was to assess whether NCT improves the outcome of patients with stage I or II disease. Methods Data were collected from 30 European centres from 2000 to 2010. Patients who received NCT for stage I or II oesophageal cancer were compared with patients who underwent primary surgery with regard to postoperative morbidity, mortality, and overall and disease-free survival. Propensity score matching was used to adjust for differences in baseline characteristics. Results Of 1173 patients recruited (181 NCT, 992 primary surgery), 651 (55·5 per cent) had clinical stage I disease and 522 (44·5 per cent) had stage II disease. Comparisons of the NCT and primary surgery groups in the matched population (181 patients in each group) revealed in-hospital mortality rates of 4·4 and 5·5 per cent respectively (P = 0·660), R0 resection rates of 91·7 and 86·7 per cent (P = 0·338), 5-year overall survival rates of 47·7 and 38·6 per cent (hazard ratio (HR) 0·68, 95 per cent c.i. 0·49 to 0·93; P = 0·016), and 5-year disease-free survival rates of 44·9 and 36·1 per cent (HR 0·68, 0·50 to 0·93; P = 0·017). Conclusion NCT was associated with better overall and disease-free survival in patients with stage I or II oesophageal cancer, without increasing postoperative morbidity.


Oxford University Press (OUP)









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