Controls of local grain size distribution, bed structure and flow conditions on sediment mobility


Smith Heidi E. J.1ORCID,Monsalve Angel D.23,Turowski Jens M.4ORCID,Rickenmann Dieter5ORCID,Yager Elowyn M.3


1. Center for Ecohydraulics Research, Department of Water Resources University of Idaho Boise Idaho USA

2. Departamento de Ingenieria de Obras Civiles Universidad de la Frontera Temuco Chile

3. Center for Ecohydraulics Research, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering University of Idaho Boise Idaho USA

4. German Research Centre for Geosciences GFZ Helmholtzzentrum Potsdam Potsdam Germany

5. Swiss Federal Research Institute WSL Mountain Hydrology and Torrents Birmensdorf Switzerland


AbstractSteep, boulder bed streams often contain sediment patches, which are areas of the bed with relatively well‐defined boundaries that are occupied by distinct grain size distributions (GSD). In sediment mixtures, the underlying GSD affects the critical Shields stress for a given grain size, which is commonly predicted using hiding functions. Hiding functions may vary with reach‐wide bed GSD, but the effect of local GSD on relative sediment mobility between sediment patches is poorly understood. We explore the effects of patch‐scale GSD on sediment mobility using tracer particles combined with local shear stresses to develop hiding functions for different patch classes within a steep stream. Hiding functions for all tested patch classes were similar, which indicates that the same hiding function can be used for different patches. However, the critical Shields stress for a given grain size generally decreased with lower patch median grain size (D50) suggesting that patches control the relative mobility of each size through both the underlying GSD and local shear stresses. The effects of the underlying GSD partly depend on grain protrusion, which we measured for all grain sizes present on each patch class. Protrusion was generally greater for larger grains regardless of patch class, but for a given grain size, protrusion was increased with smaller patch D50. For a given grain size, higher protrusion results in greater applied fluid forces and reduced resisting forces to partly explain our lower critical Shields stresses in finer patches. Patches therefore can importantly modulate relative sediment mobility through bed structure and may need to be included in reach‐scale sediment transport and channel stability estimates.


National Science Foundation




Earth and Planetary Sciences (miscellaneous),Earth-Surface Processes,Geography, Planning and Development







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