Stabilized urea for maize grown on an Amazonian Cerrado soil


Castro Thaís Santiago1ORCID,Rocha Paulo Roberto Ribeiro2ORCID,Barreto Glauber Ferreira1ORCID,Maia Sonicley da Silva1ORCID,Uchôa Sandra Cátia Pereira2ORCID,Melo Valdinar Ferreira2ORCID,Batista Karine Dias3ORCID


1. Post Graduate Program in Agronomy Federal University of Roraima Boa Vista Roraima Brazil

2. Department of Soils and Agricultural Engineering Federal University of Roraima Boa Vista Roraima Brazil

3. Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation Embrapa Roraima Boa Vista Roraima Brazil


AbstractUrea splitting and the use of stabilized ureas in corn (Zea mays L.) crops are management strategies that increase urea efficiency and reduce nitrogen (N) losses by volatilization and leaching. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of urea stabilized with urease inhibitor (UI) and nitrification inhibitor (NI) compared to conventional urea applied at three different schedules, on corn grain yield and the dynamics of inorganic nitrogen on an Amazonian Cerrado soil, Brazil. Two experiments were carried out, one in 2019 and the other one in 2021, in a randomized block design with four replications. Treatments were arranged in a factorial scheme (3 × 3), with three types of urea (urea, U; UI; and NI) and three application schedules (100% at planting, 30% at planting and 70% as topdressing, and 30% at planting and two topdressings with 35% N). In 2019, compared to U and UI, NI increased corn yield when 100% of urea was applied at planting. Regardless of the splitting management, NI ensured the same yields. In 2021, urea splitting was required to improve corn yields, and UI promoted higher yield in all urea application schedule. In 2019 and 2021, both NI and UI, respectively, ensured higher inorganic N levels in the soil, especially after the first topdressing. These N contents are reflected in yield gains. Urea with nitrification or urease inhibitor may be a relevant option for managing nitrogen fertilization in corn crops in the Amazonian Cerrado.


Fundação Agrisus




Agronomy and Crop Science







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