1. EMR “Sulphuric Acid Market – Share Price Trends Outlook Report and Forecast 2021–2026” can be found under https://www.expertmarketresearch.com/reports/sulphuric-acid-market-report2020.
2. European Commission “Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control. Reference Document on Best Available Techniques for the Manufacture of Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals – Ammonia Acids and Fertilisers” can be found under https://eippcb.jrc.ec.europa.eu/sites/default/files/2019-11/lvic-s_bref_0907.pdf2007.
3. European Sulphuric Acid Association European Fertilizer Manufacturer Association “Best Available Techniques Reference Document on the Production of Sulphuric acid” can be found under http://files.gamta.lt/aaa/Tipk/tipk/4_kiti%20GPGB/54.pdf1999.