1. LMS, École Polytechnique/CNRS/Institut Polytechnique de Paris Palaiseau France
2. Inria, MΞDISIM Team, Inria Saclay‐Ile de France Palaiseau France
AbstractBiomechanical modeling and simulation is expected to play a significant role in the development of the next generation tools in many fields of medicine. However, full‐order finite element models of complex organs such as the heart can be computationally very expensive, thus limiting their practical usability. Therefore, reduced models are much valuable to be used, for example, for pre‐calibration of full‐order models, fast predictions, real‐time applications, and so forth. In this work, focused on the left ventricle, we develop a reduced model by defining reduced geometry & kinematics while keeping general motion and behavior laws, allowing to derive a reduced model where all variables & parameters have a strong physical meaning. More specifically, we propose a reduced ventricular model based on cylindrical geometry & kinematics, which allows to describe the myofiber orientation through the ventricular wall and to represent contraction patterns such as ventricular twist, two important features of ventricular mechanics. Our model is based on the original cylindrical model of Guccione, McCulloch, & Waldman (1991); Guccione, Waldman, & McCulloch (1993), albeit with multiple differences: we propose a fully dynamical formulation, integrated into an open‐loop lumped circulation model, and based on a material behavior that incorporates a fine description of contraction mechanisms; moreover, the issue of the cylinder closure has been completely reformulated; our numerical approach is novel aswell, with consistent spatial (finite element) and time discretizations. Finally, we analyze the sensitivity of the model response to various numerical and physical parameters, and study its physiological response.
Applied Mathematics,Computational Theory and Mathematics,Molecular Biology,Modeling and Simulation,Biomedical Engineering,Software
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