Diphenyl cresyl phosphate [MAK Value Documentations, 2003]


Hartwig A.1,


1. Department of Food Chemistry and Toxicology; Institute for Applied Biosciences; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT); Kaiserstrasse 12 76131 Karlsruhe Germany


Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA

Reference54 articles.

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2. Esterases and neurotoxicity of some organophosphorus compounds;Aldridge;Biochem Pharmacol,1966 b

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4. Bayer AG 1976 Disflamoll DPK (Diphenylkresylphosphat) - Akute Untersuchungen bei Hühnern. Bayer AG, Institut für Toxikologie, Bericht vom 9. November 1976 (Disflamoll DPK (diphenyl cresyl phosphate) - Acute testing in hens. Bayer AG, Toxicological Institute, Report dated November 9, 1976), Wuppertal (German), unpublished

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