1. Alzheimer Center Amsterdam, Department of Neurology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam UMC VUmc Amsterdam the Netherlands
2. Amsterdam Neuroscience Neurodegeneration Amsterdam the Netherlands
3. Amsterdam UMC Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Department of Epidemiology and Data Science Amsterdam Public Health Institute Amsterdam the Netherlands
4. College of Public Health University of South Florida Tampa Florida USA
5. Department of Internal Medicine Geriatric Medicine Section Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam UMC Amsterdam the Netherlands
6. Department of Geriatric Medicine The Memory Clinic Oslo University Hospital Oslo Norway
7. Department of Medical Psychology Amsterdam UMC, AMC University of Amsterdam Amsterdam the Netherlands
8. Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute Quality of Care Amsterdam the Netherlands
9. Neurochemistry Laboratory Department of Clinical Chemistry Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam UMC, VUmc Amsterdam the Netherlands
10. Department of Radiology & Nuclear Medicine Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam UMC, VUmc Amsterdam the Netherlands