1. Soil Clean-Up by Surfactant Washing. I. Laboratory Results and Mathematical Modeling
2. , and ‘Treatment of Contaminated Soils with Aqueous Surfactants’, U. S. EPA No. EPA/600/2-85/129 (1985).
3. USEPA, ‘Recent Developments for In Situ Treatment of Metal Contaminated Soils’, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, (1977).
4. Texas Research Institute, Inc., ‘Test Results of Surfactant Enhanced Gasoline Recovery in a Large-Scale Model Aquifer’ (API Publication No. 4390), American Petroleum Institute, Washington, D. C, (1985).
5. , and ‘Surfactant Enhanced In Situ Soil Washing’, U. S. EPA HWERL, Edison, New Jersey, (September 1987).