1. AECOM 2009 Overview of the RACER TM system http://www.epa.gov/reg3wcmd/ca/pdf/FA-OverviewofRemedialActionRACER.pdf
2. American Petroleum Institute 1996 A guide for the assessment and remediation of underground petroleum releases. API Publication 1628 Washington, DC Author
3. Association of State & Territorial Solid Waste Management Officials (ASTSWMO) 2013 State fund survey results 2012 http://www.astswmo.org/Files/Policies_and_Publications/Tanks/2012_State_Funds_Survey/2012-SummaryTable.pdf
4. ASTM International 1994 Standard guide for corrective action at petroleum release sites, Standard E1599-94
5. ASTM International 2010 Standard guide for natural attenuation at petroleum release sites, Standard E1943-98(2010) Conshohocken, PA Author