1. Hangzhou Institute of Extremely‐Weak Magnetic Field Major National Science and Technology Infrastructure Hangzhou 310028 China
2. School of Instrumentation and Optoelectronic Engineering Beihang University Beijing 100191 China
3. Hefei National Laboratory Hefei 230088 China
AbstractIn this study, the influence of the nonlinear magneto–optical rotation effect on a spin‐exchange relaxation‐free (SERF) atomic magnetometer is analyzed. The nonlinear effect is described by saturation parameters obtained from the density matrix model considering the Rabi oscillation of the probe light. For better sensitivity, the nonlinear effect is suppressed, and larger output signals are achieved. Based on the nonlinear effect analysis, the relationship between the probe sensitivity and light power density is obtained, and the optimal probe light power density is measured with best probe sensitivity. The best probe sensitivity improves by ≈6 times at the optimal probe light power density compared with that in the conventional linear optical rotation detection. The proposed method can be applied to SERF magnetometers, co‐magnetometers, and atomic spin gyroscopes.
China Postdoctoral Science Foundation