1. School of Physics Beihang University Beijing 100191 China
AbstractThis research investigates the unconventional photon blockade in a hybrid optomechanical system with an embedded spin‐triplet state. The self‐homodyning interference between squeezed quantum fluctuations produced by the emitter and the coherent fraction from the driving laser results in two‐photon suppression. Analytical solutions of the correlator equation and numerical simulations of the master equation reveal that modulated mechanical dissipation plays a crucial role in achieving strong single‐photon blockade. In contrast to conventional cavity optomechanical systems, a second‐order correlation function of can be achieved with weak single‐photon optomechanical coupling. By combining unconventional and conventional antibunching, the hybrid system achieves the convergence of maximal photon population, two‐photon interference, and suppression of higher‐order correlations. Additionally, the influence of the thermal noise on photon blockade is investigated, demonstrating greater robustness of the second‐order correlation under weaker phonon‐spin coupling.
National Natural Science Foundation of China