1. FEMA‐355 D (2000)State of the art report on connection performance.Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington D.C.
2. Engelhardt M. D.;Sabol T. A.;Aboutaha R. S.;Frank K. H.(1995)An overview of the AISC Northridge moment connection test programin:Proc.of National Steel Construction Conf. Texas USA.
3. Kurobane Y.;Ogawa K.;Ueda C.(1996)Kobe earthquake damage to high‐rise Ashiyahama apartment buildings: brittle tensile failure of box sectionsin:Proc. of 7th Tubular Structures Rotterdam.
4. FEMA‐350 (2000)Recommended seismic design criteria for new steel moment‐frame buildings;Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington D. C.
5. FEMA‐351 (2000)Recommended seismic evaluation and upgrade criteria for existing welded steel moment‐frame buildings.Federal Emergency Management Agency Washington D.C.