1. Aquatic Ecology, Department of Biology; Lund University; Lund Sweden
2. Ecology and Genetics/Limnology, Evolutionary Biology Centre; Uppsala University; Uppsala Sweden
3. Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; Environment Centre Wales; Bangor UK
4. Department of Experimental Limnology, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries (IGB), Stechlin, Germany and Department of Ecology; Berlin Institute of Technology (TU Berlin); Berlin Germany
5. Department Experimental Limnology, Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, Stechlin, Germany and Institute of Biochemistry and Biology; Potsdam University; Potsdam Germany
6. Centre for Limnology, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Estonian University of Life Sciences; Rannu Estonia
7. Institute of Biology; University of Latvia; Riga Latvia
8. Finnish Environment Institute; Helsinki Finland
9. Department of Forest Ecology and Management; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences; Umeå Sweden
10. Trout Lake Station, Center for Limnology; University of Wisconsin-Madison; Wisconsin USA
11. NERC Centre for Ecology and Hydrology; Lancaster Environment Centre; Lancaster UK
12. Centre for Limnology, Institute of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Estonian University of Life Sciences; Tartu Estonia
13. Czech Geological Survey, Klárov 3, Prague, Czech Republic and Global Change Research Institute CAS; Brno Czech Republic
14. Norwegian University of Life Sciences (NMBU); Ås Norway
15. Dorset Environmental Science Centre; Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change; Dorset Ontario Canada
16. Inland Waters Division; Latvian Environment Geology and Meteorology Centre; Riga Latvia
17. Hydrology Research Group, Department of Earth Sciences; Dalhousie University; Halifax Nova Scotia Canada