Rhinovirus characteristics associated with viremia in childhood asthma


Lejeune Stéphanie B.12,Deschildre Antoine12,Morel Constance L.13,Béghin Laurent R.4,Drumez Elodie5,Pichavant Muriel2,Gosset Philippe2,Engelmann Ilka67ORCID,


1. Department of Pediatric Pulmonology and Allergy, Hôpital Jeanne de Flandre, CHU Lille Université de Lille Lille Cedex France

2. INSERM Unit 1019, CNRS UMR 9017, CHU Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Center for infection and immunity of Lille Université de Lille Lille Cedex France

3. Department of Pediatric CH Armentières Armentières France

4. CHU Lille, INFINITE UMR 1286 Inserm, Clinical Investigation Center, CIC‐1403‐Inserm‐CHU Université de Lille Lille France

5. Department of Biostatistics CHU Lille Lille France

6. Virology Laboratory, EA3610, CHU Lille Université de Lille Nord de France Lille Cedex France

7. Pathogenesis and Control of Chronic and Emerging Infections, INSERM, Établissement Français du Sang, CHU Montpellier University of Montpellier Montpellier France


AbstractAlthough rhinoviruses play a major role in exacerbations of childhood asthma, the presence of rhinovirus (RV) RNA in plasma, referred to as viremia, has been investigated in a few studies. The aim of the study was to investigate the presence of rhinovirus viremia at the time of asthma exacerbation and to describe the molecular characteristics of rhinoviruses associated with viremia. We conducted an observational, prospective, multicenter study in eight pediatric hospitals (VIRASTHMA2). Preschool‐aged recurrent wheezers (1–5 years) hospitalized for a severe exacerbation were included. Reverse‐transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR) and molecular typing for RV/enteroviruses (EV) were performed on nasal swabs and plasma. Plasma specimens were available for 105 children with positive RT‐PCR for RV/EV in respiratory specimens. Thirty‐six (34.3%) had positive viremia. In plasma, 28 (82.4%) of the typable specimens were RV‐C, five (14.7%) were EV‐D68, and one was RV‐A (2.9%). In all cases, the RV/EV type was identical in the plasma and respiratory specimens. In conclusion, RV/EV viremia is frequent in severe exacerbations of preschool recurrent wheezers, particularly in RV‐C infections.










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