On‐demand mobile health infrastructures to allow comprehensive remote atrial fibrillation and risk factor management through teleconsultation


Hermans Astrid N. L.,Velden Rachel M. J.,Gawalko Monika1ORCID,Verhaert Dominique V. M.12,Desteghe Lien345,Duncker David6ORCID,Manninger Martin7ORCID,Heidbuchel Hein5,Pisters Ron8,Hemels Martin28,Pison Laurent9,Sohaib Afzal1011,Sultan Arian12,Steven Daniel12,Wijtvliet Petra13,Tieleman Robert13,Gupta Dhiraj14,Dobrev Dobromir15,Svennberg Emma16,Crijns Harry J. G. M.1,Pluymaekers Nikki A. H. A.1ORCID,Hendriks Jeroen M.1718,Linz Dominik121719ORCID,


1. Department of Cardiology Maastricht University Medical Centre and Cardiovascular Research Institute Maastricht Maastricht The Netherlands

2. Department of Cardiology Radboud University Medical Centre Nijmegen The Netherlands

3. Faculty of Medicine and Life Sciences Hasselt University Hasselt Belgium

4. Heart Center Hasselt Jessa Hospital Hasselt Belgium

5. Department of Cardiology Antwerp University Hospital and Antwerp University Antwerp Belgium

6. Hannover Heart Rhythm Center, Department of Cardiology and Angiology Hannover Medical School Hannover Germany

7. Department of Cardiology Medizinische Universität Graz Graz Austria

8. Department of Cardiology Rijnstate Hospital Arnhem The Netherlands

9. Department of Cardiology Hospital East Limburg Genk Belgium

10. Department of Cardiology St Bartholomew's Hospital, Bart's Health NHS Trust London UK

11. Department of Cardiology King George Hospital London UK

12. Department of Electrophysiology, Heart Center University Hospital Cologne Cologne Germany

13. Department of Cardiology Martini Hospital Groningen The Netherlands

14. Department of Cardiology Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Liverpool UK

15. Institute of Pharmacology, West German Heart and Vascular Centre University Duisburg‐Essen Essen Germany

16. Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital Stockholm Sweden

17. Centre for Heart Rhythm Disorders University of Adelaide and Royal Adelaide Hospital Adelaide Australia

18. College of Nursing and Health Sciences Flinders University Adelaide Australia

19. Department of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences University of Copenhagen Copenhagen Denmark




Cardiology and Cardiovascular Medicine,General Medicine

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