Towards standardized guidelines in digital data acquisition for monitoring and maintenance of European transport infrastructures


Justo Andrés1,Sánchez‐Rodríguez Ana2,Varela María3,Arias Pedro1


1. CINTECX, Universidade de Vigo, GeoTECH Group. As Lagoas, Marcosende 36310 Vigo Spain

2. ICITECH, Universitat Politècnica de València. Camino de Vera s/n 46022 Valencia Spain

3. Ingeniería Insitu SL. CITEXVI, Fonte das Abelleiras s/n 36310 Vigo Spain


AbstractThe digital transformation of the architecture, engineering, and construction sector is associated with an enormous production of data. The appearance of new technologies is leading the way for more sustainable and interconnected infrastructures. Therefore, data analytics is crucial to know the current state of infrastructure and will help towards the efficient management of assets. The main issue is how to collect and exploit meaningful data throughout the lifecycle of infrastructure assets to further allow human experts and computers to make accurate diagnostics, predictions, and decisions. This contribution presents the insights gained in the course of IM‐SAFE project, showing the strategy followed to create guidelines for data collection to monitor and maintain critical assets in the infrastructure network (bridges and tunnels). It tackled a variety of surveying technologies, from destructive and non‐destructive, to chemical methods, among others. The results obtained will support the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) in the standards for monitoring and maintenance of bridges and tunnels, accelerating the adoption of new standards by public authorities and stakeholders in transport infrastructure.


Universidade de Vigo

Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación

Horizon 2020 Framework Programme




General Earth and Planetary Sciences,General Environmental Science

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