Extension of the cone‐beam CT field‐of‐view using two complementary short scans


Belotti Gabriele1,Fattori Giovanni2,Baroni Guido13,Rit Simon4


1. Department of Electronics Information and Bioengineering CartCasLab, Politecnico di Milano (MI) Milan Italy

2. Center for Proton Therapy Paul Scherrer Institute Villigen Switzerland

3. Centro Nazionale di Adroterapia Oncologica (CNAO) Pavia (PV) Italy

4. Univ Lyon, CREATIS, INSA‐Lyon Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1, UJM‐Saint Etienne, CNRS Inserm, CREATIS UMR5220, U1294 Lyon France


AbstractBackgroundRobotic C‐arm cone‐beam computed tomography (CBCT) scanners provide fast in‐room imaging in radiotherapy. Their mobility extends beyond performing a gantry rotation, but they might encounter obstructions to their motion which limit the gantry angle range. The axial field‐of‐view (FOV) of a reconstructed CBCT image depends on the acquisition geometry. When imaging a large anatomical location, such as the thorax, abdomen, or pelvis, a centered cone beam might be insufficient to acquire untruncated projection images. Some CBCT scanners can laterally displace their detector and collimate the beam to increase the FOV, but the gantry must then perform a 360° rotation to provide complete data for reconstruction.PurposeTo extend the FOV of a CBCT image with a single short scan (gantry angle range of fan angle) using two complementary short scans.MethodsWe defined an acquisition protocol using two short scans during which the source follows the same trajectory and where the detector has equal and opposite tilt and/or offset between the two scans, which we refer to as complementary scans. We created virtual acquisitions using a Monte Carlo simulator on a digital anthropomorphic phantom and on a computed tomography (CT) scan of a patient abdomen. For our proposed method, each simulation produced two complementary sets of projections, which were weighted for redundancies and used to reconstruct one CBCT image. We compared the resulting images to the ground truth phantoms and simulations of conventional scans.ResultsReconstruction artifacts were slightly more prominent in the complementary scans w.r.t. a complete scan with untruncated projections but matched those in a single short scan without truncation. When analyzing reconstructed scans from simulated projections with scatter and corrected with prior CT information, we found a global agreement between complementary and conventional scan approaches.ConclusionsWhen dealing with a limited range of motion of the gantry of a CBCT scanner, two complementary short scans are a technically valid alternative to a full 360° scan with equal FOV. This approach enables FOV extension without collisions or hardware upgrades.




General Medicine








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