1. Department of Ecology; Evolution, and Natural Resources; Rutgers University; 237 Foran Hall, 59 Dudley Road New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 U.S.A.
2. Department of Biological Sciences; 109 Cooke Hall; University at Buffalo (SUNY); Buffalo, New York 14260 U.S.A.
3. Departamento de Botânica; Instituto de Biociências; Universidade de São Paulo; Rua do Matão, travessa 14, nº 321, CEP: 05508-090 São Paulo, SP Brazil
4. Department of Plant Biology and Pathology; Rutgers University; 59 Dudley Road New Brunswick, New Jersey 08901 U.S.A.
5. Department of Biology; Western Carolina University; 132 Natural Science Building Cullowhee, North Carolina 28723 U.S.A.
6. Laboratoire de botanique évolutive; Institut de botanique; Faculté des Sciences; Université de Neuchâtel; rue Émile-Argand 11, Case Postale 158 Neuchâtel 2009 Switzerland