Comparing real and simulated performance for an off‐road autonomous ground vehicle in obstacle avoidance


Carruth Daniel W.1,Goodin Christopher1ORCID,Dabbiru Lalitha1,Scherrer Nicklaus1,Moore Marc N.1,Hudson Christopher H.1,Cagle Lucas D.1,Jayakumar Paramsothy2


1. Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems Mississippi State University Starkville Mississippi USA

2. US Army DEVCOM, Ground Vehicle Systems Center Warren Michigan USA


AbstractThis field report presents the results of a study of obstacle detection and avoidance (ODOA) by an autonomous ground vehicle (AGV) in off‐road driving conditions. This study included both real and simulated testing of the AGV and served as the third and final phase of a 3‐year research project studying the influence of environmental conditions over autonomous driving. We compare and contrast the results of the real and experimental field testing and report our findings on the influence of soft soil in ODOA performance by an AGV. We find that rutting in soft soil results in higher throttle effort but lower steering effort and speed. The results of these experiments will inform future studies of autonomous driving on off‐road environments.


Tank Automotive Research, Development and Engineering Center




Computer Science Applications,Control and Systems Engineering

Reference84 articles.

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