1. Numerical simulation of shock interaction with a modern main battlefield tank. AIAA 22nd Fluid Dynamics, Plasma Dynamics and Lasers Conference, AIAA Paper 91-1666, Honolulu, HI June 1991.
2. An accurate finite volume scheme for Euler and Navier-Stokes equations on unstructured adaptive grids. Proceedings of the 12th AIAA Computational Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA Paper 95-1710-CP, San Diego, CA, June 1995.
3. An edge-based solution-adaptive method applied to the AIRPLANE Code. AIAA 34th Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA Paper 96-0553, Reno, Nevada, January 1996.
4. Unstructured grid generation using iterative point insertion and local reconnection
5. Delaunay Triangulation and Meshing. Hermes: Paris, 1998.