1. Department of NeurologyPhilipps‐University MarburgMarburg Germany
2. Department of Public Health, Health Services Research and HealthTechnology Assessment, UMIT–University for Health SciencesMedical Informatics and TechnologyHall i.T. Austria
3. Institute for Technology Assessment and Department of RadiologyMassachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical SchoolBoston Massachusetts USA
4. Department of Health Policy and ManagementHarvard Chan School of Public HealthBoston Massachusetts USA
5. Department of NeurologyChristian‐Albrechts‐University KielKiel Germany
6. Assistance‐Publique Hôpitaux de Paris; Centre d'Investigation Clinique 9503, Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle épinière; Département de Neurologie, Université Pierre et Marie Curie–Paris 6 et INSERM, CHU Pitié‐Salpêtrière, Paris, France, and Movement Disorders Center, Department of NeurologyBern University Hospital and University of BernBern Switzerland
7. Department of Neurology, University Hospital INSERM Unite 836Grenoble Alpes UniversitySaint‐Martin‐d'Hères France
8. Department of NeurologyUniversity Hospital CologneCologne Germany
9. Institute of Clinical Neuroscience and Medical PsychologyHeinrich‐Heine University DuesseldorfDuesseldorf Germany
10. Department of Medical Sociology and Social MedicinePhilipps‐University MarburgMarburg Germany
11. Department of GeriatricsUniversity Duisburg-EssenEssen Germany