1. Department of Electrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Florida 1064 Center Drive 427 NEB Gainesville FL 32611‐6130 USA
2. Department of Automation and EnergyFederal University of Rio Grande do Sul Av Osvaldo Aranha 103 Porto Alegre RS 90020‐090 Brazil
3. Department of Electrical and Electronic EngineeringUniversidad del Norte Km 5 Via Puerto Colombia Barranquilla 080007 Colombia
4. Department Engineering and Computer ScienceIntegrated Regional University of the Alto Uruguai and Missões Av Assis Brasil 709 Frederico Westphalen RS 98400‐000 Brazil
5. Department of Electrical EngineeringTechnological University of Pereira Carrera 27 #10‐02 Pereira 660007 Colombia