1. Department of Mechanical Engineering JNTUH College of Engineering Hyderabad Hyderabad Telangana India
2. Department of Mechanical Engineering JNTUH College of Engineering Sultanpur Sangareddy Telangana India
3. Institute of Nuclear Power Engineering Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology Dhaka Bangladesh
AbstractThe thermal performance of energy preservation systems is greatly improved by increasing miniaturization and boosting. These are imaginative (or Promethean) techniques to enhance heat transfer. Enhancement methods of heat transfer draw great attention in front of the industrial sector because of their ability to provide energy savings and raise the economic efficiency of thermal systems. Three techniques these methods are categorized; those are active, passive, and compound. Different types of components are used in passive methods because of the transfer/working fluid flow path to the enhancement of the heat transfer rate. In this article, the subject of the review was the passive heat transfer enhancement methods including inserts (conical strips, winglets, twisted tapes, baffles), porous materials, coil/helical/spiral tubes, rough surfaces (corrugated/ribbed surfaces), extended surfaces (fins) and nanofluids (mono and hybrid nanofluid). Recent passive heat transfer enhancement techniques are studied in this article as they are cost‐effective and reliable, and also comparably passive methods do not need any extra power to promote the energy conversion systems' thermal efficiency than active methods. In the passive approaches, various components are applied to the heat transfer/working fluid flow path to improve the heat transfer rate. The passive heat transfer enhancement methods studied in this article include inserts (twisted tapes, conical strips, baffles, winglets), extended surfaces (fins), porous materials, coil/helical/spiral tubes, rough surfaces (corrugated/ribbed surfaces), and nanofluids (mono and hybrid nanofluid). From the pioneers' research work, it is clear that a lower twist ratio and lower pitch, lesser winglet angles can provide more heat transfer rate and a little bit more friction factor. In the case of nanofluids, a little bit of pumping power is enhanced. Finally, heat transfer enhancement is compared with the thermal performance factor, which is more than unity.
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes,Condensed Matter Physics
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10 articles.