1. Department of Internal Medicine Maasstad Hospital Rotterdam The Netherlands
2. Department of Internal Medicine Division of Medical Oncology GROW Maastricht University Medical Centre Maastricht The Netherlands
3. Department of Epidemiology GROW Maastricht University Maastricht The Netherlands
4. Department of Research Netherlands Comprehensive Cancer Organization (IKNL) Utrecht The Netherlands
5. Department of Medical Oncology Cancer Center University Medical Center University of Utrecht Utrecht The Netherlands
6. Amsterdam UMC Department of Psychiatry Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam The Netherlands
7. GGZ inGeest Specialized Mental Health Care Amsterdam The Netherlands
8. Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care University Medical Center Utrecht and Utrecht University Utrecht the Netherlands
9. Department of Behavioural Science and Health University College London London UK
10. Ontario Institute for Cancer Research Toronto Ontario Canada
11. Department of Molecular Genetics University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada
12. Dalla Lana School of Public Health University of Toronto Toronto Ontario Canada
13. Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences Nord University Bodø Norway
14. Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Department of Mental Health Norwegian University of Science and Technology Trondheim Norway
15. Bristol Medical School, Population Health Sciences University of Bristol Bristol UK
16. Atlantic Partnership for Tomorrow's Health Faculty of Health Dalhousie University Halifax Nova Scotia Canada
17. Department of Public and Occupational Health Amsterdam UMC and Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute University of Amsterdam Amsterdam Netherlands
18. Department of Mathematics Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo Canada
19. Amsterdam UMC Department of Epidemiology & Data Science Amsterdam Public Health institute Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands
20. Department of Sociology Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Amsterdam The Netherlands
21. Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences Utrecht University Utrecht The Netherlands
22. School of Health and Human Performance Faculty of Health Dalhousie University Halifax Canada
23. Department of Epidemiology Erasmus MC–University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands
24. Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry/Psychology Erasmus MC–University Medical Center Rotterdam The Netherlands
25. CARTaGENE, CHU Sainte‐Justine, 3175 Chemin de la Côte‐Sainte‐Catherine Montréal Québec Canada
26. Department of Developmental Psychology University of Groningen Groningen The Netherlands
27. Departments of Psychiatry and Internal Medicine University Medical Center Groningen University of Groningen Groningen The Netherlands
28. Department of Internal Medicine, Maasstad Rotterdam The Netherlands
29. Department of Psychiatry University Medical Center Groningen University of Groningen Groningen the Netherlands
30. Division of Psychosocial Research and Epidemiology The Netherlands Cancer Institute Amsterdam The Netherlands
31. Department of Public Health and Nursing HUNT Research Centre Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) Trondheim Norway
32. Levanger hospital Nord‐Trøndelag Hospital Trust Levanger Norway
33. Centre for Nutrition, Prevention and Health Services National Institute for Public Health and the Environment Utrecht the Netherlands
34. Department of Vascular Medicine University Medical Center Utrecht Utrecht The Netherlands
35. Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute Amsterdam Noord‐Holland The Netherlands
36. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Psychiatry Amsterdam UMC ‐ VUMC Amsterdam Noord‐Holland The Netherlands