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2. Gun‐use criminal cases reported to police 2. Firearm Offenses VII. Drug and Firearm Control. CRIME IN JAPAN IN 2010. Police Policy Research Center National Police Academy. Alumni Association for National Police Academy.2010 18. [Accessed 14 Sept 2015]. Available from:https://www.npa.go.jp/english/seisaku/Crime_in_Japan_in_2010.pdf.
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4. The Metropolitan Police Department.Trends in crime in 2011.2012. [Accessed 14 Sept 2015]. Available from:https://www.npa.go.jp/toukei/seianki/h23hanzaizyousei.pdf.
5. Cabinet office Government of Japan.Suicide White Paper.2014. [Accessed 14 Sept 2015]. Available from:http://www8.cao.go.jp/jisatsutaisaku/whitepaper/w-2014/pdf/gaiyou/pdf/1-1.pdf.