1. P.W.Clarke “Converter regulation by controlled conduction overlap ” U.S. Patent 3 938 024 Feb. 10 1976 assigned to Bell Telephone Laboratories Inc. Murray Hill NJ 07974 U.S.A.
2. R.RedlandN. O.Sokal “Push‐pull current‐fed multiple‐output [regulated] DC/DC power converter with only one inductor and with 0 to 100% switch duty ratio ” in IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC) 1980 pp.341–345.
3. R.RedlandN. O.Sokal “Push‐pull current‐fed multiple‐output regulated wide‐input‐range DC/DC power converter with only one inductor and with 0 to 100% switch duty ratio: operation at duty ratio below 50% ”IEEE Power Electronics Specialists Conference (PESC) 1981 June 29–Jul. 3 1981 Boulder USA pp.204–212.
4. A current-sourced DC-DC converter derived via the duality principle from the half-bridge converter
5. A New Active Clamping Zero-Voltage Switching PWM Current-Fed Half-Bridge Converter