1. Microwave and Wireless Synthesizers
2. Bischoff J.andSchwoch D.(2004).Entwurf eines ultra‐rauscharmen Mikrowellenoszillators mit dielektrischem Resonator im S‐Band. Diploma thesis. University of Applied Sciences Bremen Germany. (Author's note: Good overview of the topic and its prerequisites; available only in German.)
3. Subramanian A.(2008).A low phase noise K‐band oscillator utilizing an embedded dielectric resonator on multilayer high frequency laminates. Master thesis. University of Central Florida. (Author's note: Similar to Bischoff and Schwoch but this time in English including a good summary of achievements in the field of DROs and related topics.)
4. Simulate and build a Ku‐band DRO;Bernard O.;Microwaves & RF,2000