“Bio‐based Plastic? Hm, I've Never Seen It!”—A mixed‐methods investigation into consumer preferences for different packaging material of fresh apples and tomatoes


Lehberger Mira1ORCID,Kleih Anne‐Katrin1,Sparke Kai1


1. Department of Fresh Produce Logistics, Professorship for Horticultural Economics Hochschule Geisenheim University Geisenheim Germany


AbstractPackaging of fresh fruits and vegetables is standard in many grocery stores. This mixed methods study aims to identify the role packaging plays in consumer choice and what packaging material consumers prefer. We analyzed data from quantitative stated preference experiments with a quota sample of 485 consumers living in Germany. In addition to the experiments, we conducted a qualitative study and analyzed data from 13 consumers who participated in think aloud protocols and responded to open‐ended questions. We analyzed the data from the quantitative and qualitative studies separately and then systematically compared their key findings. Choice‐based conjoint analyses showed that packaging was less important than price and origin in consumers' decisions, but that consumers clearly preferred unpackaged to packaged produce. This is true for both apples, a relatively robust produce, and tomatoes, which are more susceptible to damage. The qualitative research indicated that consumers appreciate the ability to see and choose an unpackaged product, but also see some benefits of packaging, such as the protection of the produce. Overall, we found that by combining qualitative and quantitative insights, we were able to identify overlapping but also distinct facets of consumer preference for fresh produce packaging. Regarding the use of bio‐based plastics for fresh produce, our results indicate that German consumers were not currently inclined to choose this type of packaging, and evidence suggests that they have little knowledge and/or awareness about it. Our findings have implications for researchers, marketing practitioners, packaging manufacturers, and policy makers. [EconLit Citations: D12, Q50].



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