1. Centre for the Economics of Mental and Physical Health, King's College London; Institute of Psychiatry; De Crespigny Park; London; SE5 8AF; UK
2. Personal Social Services Research Unit; London School of Economics and Political Science; Houghton Street; London; WC2A 2AE, UK
3. Division of Social and Transcultural Psychiatry; Montreal; Quebec; H3A 1A1 Canada
4. Division of Mental Health, St. George's; University of London; London; UK
5. Department of Psychiatry II; University of Ulm; BKH Günzburg; Germany
6. New Hampshire-Dartmouth Psychiatric Research Centre; Lebanon; NH; USA
7. Programma Salute Mentale; Azienda USL; Rimini; Italy
8. Institute of Psychology, Health and Society; University of Liverpool; Liverpool; L69 3GL; UK
9. Psychiatric University Hospital; Zürich; Switzerland
10. Institute of Human Relations; Sofia; Bulgaria
11. Psychiatry Department; University Hospital; Groningen; Netherlands
12. University Department of Psychiatry; Warneford Hospital; Oxford; UK