1. ARIB STD-B24 Version 5.2, Volume 3: Data Coding and Transmission Specification for Digital Broadcasting 2008
2. ABNT NBR 15606-2 Digital Terrestrial Television - Data Coding and Transmission Specification for Digital Broadcasting - Part 2: Ginga-NCL for fixed and mobile receivers - XML application language for application coding 2011 http://www.abnt.org.br/
3. ITU-T Recommendation H.761 Nested Context Language (NCL) and Ginga-NCL for IPTV Services Geneva 2009
4. Soares LFG Rodrigues RF Nested Context Language 3.0 Part 8 - NCL Digital TV Profiles MCC 35/06 Technical Report 2006 0103-9741 http://www.ncl.org.br/documentos/NCL3.0-DTV.pdf