1. Commonwealth Department of Health and Aged Care Working party on trans-Tasman harmonisation of scheduling of drugs and poisons tga.health.gov.au/ndpsc/gazette/g980923.htm#p26
2. New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority General principles of trans-Tasman scheduling harmonisation www.medsafe.govt.nz/Profs/Class/harmon.htm
3. Therapeutic Products Interim Ministerial Council Joint Australia and New Zealand Products Authority planned for next year www.anztpa.org/media/060511tpimc.htm
4. About the Quality Care Pharmacy Program www.qcpp.com/about_QCPP.htm
5. Pharmaceutical Society of Australia Standards for the provision of pharmacy medicines and pharmacist only medicines in community pharmacy [online] www.psa.org.au/site.php?id=230