1. VIVE – The Danish Center for Social Science Research Copenhagen Denmark
2. Social Policy and Intervention University of Oxford Oxford UK
3. Roskilde University Roskilde Denmark
AbstractThis is the protocol for a Campbell systematic review. The objectives are as follows. The aim of the present review is to synthesize evidence on the effectiveness of interventions for at‐risk families aimed at preventing the out‐of‐home placement of children or increasing the likelihood that children are reunited with their birth families following temporary care arrangements. The review has two objectives: (1) To assess the effectiveness of interventions for at‐risk families with children aged between 0 and 17 years old on measures of out‐of‐home placement and on secondary outcomes. (2) To identify factors that modify intervention effectiveness (e.g., prior placements, parental risk factors such as substance abuse, mental health issues, age, minority status, child risk factors such as disabilities, age, and gender).